Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.

- Antoine de Saint Exupéry(1900-1944)

Sometimes I think we try too much to be perfect for one another.. Too much that it compromises what good we already had before this.. There's nothing there to fix.. Nothing there to absorb.. Only to cherish and savor there is..

- Ruberneshan(1985-Present)


Anonymous said...

then... all u have to do is stop :)

Christcomes said...

If there's nothing to fix, the world wouldn't be the way it is. There is always something we need to fix in ourselves...

'Blessed are those whose way is perfect, who walk in the law of Jehovah' - Psalm 119:1

'You therefore shall be perfect as your heavenly father is perfect' - Matthew 5:48

Sicreci said...

+I.M.PERFECT is IMPERFECT...perfection is in the sense that you can be proud of urself, n not trying 2 hard 2 be wot others wan u 2 be...